You need more than happy customers to make a good living in the Laundromat
business. You need to control the utility costs so your profits don't go down your
drains or up your flues. Most gas companies provide a free energy efficiency
inspection. Call the number on your bill for more information.
Check with your local water, gas and electric companies to see what rebates, if
any, are currently being offered. The replacement of your equipment with new
energy efficient washers and dryers is encouraged by the utility companies
through energy rebate programs. The
programs have limited time spans and
funding sources so try and be one of the "early birds" so you get the proverbial
worm. In most cases this is a very valuable worm.
In addition to washer and dryer rebates, check out the rebates available for
new fluorescent lighting, new water heaters, water pipe and water tank
insulation. Super deals are available through several retail outlets on th
small fluorescent lights so it makes good sense to at least replace the
incandescent bulbs in your back rooms and behind your dryers. Putting timers on your backroom lights (and your bathroom light) is inexpensive, easy to do and results in energy savings.
Here are some rebate sources in southern California: